Joyeuse fête des mères!


Rosie veut faire une surprise pour la fête des mères. Elle aura besoin de l’aide de sa famille et de ses amis pour exécuter son plan et réaliser la meilleure des surprises. Réussira-t-elle?

Author: Lindsay B
Illustrator: Kate Phillips
30 pages
8″ x 10″
ISBN: 9781777576134

Category: Product ID: 12840

About Lindsay B

Lindsay grew up in Ontario, Canada with her parents, her sister, and her five golden retrievers (no, not all at once!). She has always loved reading and, as a child and teenager, could have up to 15 books on the go at a time. She has also loved writing for as long as she can remember, from short stories to chapter books and everything in between. Lindsay strives to incorporate as much diversity as possible in her stories so that all children feel included and can find themselves somewhere in her books.

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