A Monkey in the Central Kingdom
After spending several decades informally studying Chinese history, language, and culture, a chance to teach at the Nanjing Institute of Technology afforded the author an opportunity to finally live and work in China.
This book covers his travels at a turning point in Chinese history.
Author: Carl Aass
Dimensions: 6" x 9"
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-77205-693-8

Carl Aass
With Degrees in Architecture (University of British Columbia) and engineering (Carleton University), Carl Aass spent his professional life in both the public sector (Ministère des transports du Québec) and the Canadian federal government (National Capital Commission) and as a consultant. Being born under the sign of the Monkey, his natural curiosity brought him to live and work in many cities, including Ottawa, Vancouver, Venice, Oslo, Shanghai and Québec. The past several decades has seen him focus more and more on China – its history, its culture, its language and its brilliantly planned economic growth over the past 30-odd years. These days he is keeping his head down in Ottawa, waiting for the present tide of populism to recede.
Review by Robert Tellier
“Not only does [Carl] have a sense of humour to keep you well entertained while reading, but for history lovers, he offers deep insights into many of the places he visits along the way.”
As a Baby Boomer Travel, Health & Wellness Blogger and avid reader, I’ve included a book review segment to my blog. My most recent read is the featured author’s latest publication called A Monkey in the Central Kingdom.
I received a request in my email inbox recently from DC Canada Education Publishing, asking if I would be interested in reading and reviewing the author’s recently published book.
China has always been an intriguing country to visit, with so much history. I’ve had family members visit in years past, having visited a number of historical sites including The Great Wall of China.
One day, I would like to visit and explore this country, hopefully when tensions around the globe ease and become safe for everyone once again.
So, I was delighted to have the opportunity to read and to offer a personal review of this inspiring publication from the book’s author – Carl Aass.
About the Author of A Monkey in the Central Kingdom
A fellow Canadian, Carl Aass has obtained Degrees in both Architecture and Engineering.
Throughout his professional life, he worked as a consultant in both the public sector and with the Canadian Federal Government.
Born under the sign of the Monkey, hence the name of his book, he has lived and worked in a number of cities around the world, including China.
For the past number of years, his primary focus has been China.
From its deep-rooted history, culture, language and its strategically planned economic growth over the past few decades.
His book will take you back to 1986, a time of significant change in the country.
A Professor – Working and Living in China
Having a keen curiosity over the years with China, its vast history dating back thousands of years and its distinct language, set the author on a direct course of action.
He would attempt to master the language and to finally arrive in China, more than just a tourist.
Enrolled in Chinese language courses back in Canada, he was determined to enter the country with some degree of being able to communicate with the locals.
In 1986, in collaboration with a Canadian University in an exchange and study abroad situation, he traveled to China as a visiting professor.
He attended the Nanjing Institute of Technology.
Here and throughout his travels in China, he would learn the history and philosophy of Chinese art and architecture, along with other associated duties.
This knowledge learned while abroad, he would take back to Canada for future teachings.
Final Thoughts
Without giving the book away, Carl will take you along with him on his various journeys throughout China, visiting historical sites, and his attempts to converse as much as he can in the language.
Not only does he have a sense of humour to keep you well entertained while reading, but for history lovers, he offers deep insights into many of the places he visits along the way.
He gives you a sense of the Real China in 1986, from the old timeless ways still in existence to the vast modernizing changes taking place in the cities at the same time.
His was an amazing learning experience and one which he shares with his readers.
A superb read for lovers of history and those wishing to learn more about the Real China.
Below, I’ve included a link to the DC Canada Education Publishing website, where you can order a copy of your book safely and securely.
As well, you can check out their award-winning educational children’s resources designed for both school and at-home use.