Monthly Archives: December 2015

Easy Christmas Crafts for Children

Easy Christmas Crafts for Children

S. Evelyn Cimesa | December 18, 2015 | Crafts   It’s that time of year. The trees are adorned in twinkling lights. Little snowflakes are dancing in your hair. Christmas music hums outside of every store. And there are parades and parties and presents galore. But it’s still early, and we haven’t finished our advent calendars yet. And

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Five Ways to Encourage Creative Thinking

Five Ways to Encourage Creative Thinking

Leonard Judge | December 11, 2015 | Creativity Defining creativity is not as straightforward as one might think. What is it really? Where do we begin and what are we aiming for when we attempt to encourage creative thinking in children? A common definition for creativity is simply to use one’s imagination to think about and develop original ideas.

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4 Ways to Encourage Creative Writing in the Classroom

Scott Paterson | December 4, 2015 | Creativity   “But I hate writing stories!” If you’ve heard this from your student, don’t despair. You may even identify with them. Perhaps you hated creative writing in school or felt you had nothing to add. Creative writing can be really difficult for students if they have a lack of inspiration. Here are

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4 façons d’encourager la création littéraire dans la classe

Scott Paterson | 4 Décembre 2015 | Créativité « Mais je déteste écrire des histoires! » Si vous avez déjà entendu ceci de la bouche de vos étudiants, ne désespérez pas. Il est même possible que vous vous identifiez à eux. Peut-être méprisiez-vous la création littéraire à l’école ou peut-être sentiez-vous que vous n’avez rien à ajouter. La création littéraire

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