Monthly Archives: June 2019

Three Cheers for Canada!

Three Cheers for Canada!

Ah, Canada. Land of Sorry, Eh, and Timmies. Did you know Canadian mothers drink maple syrup during pregnancy to ensure their child is super Canadian? Oh, and we’re born in igloos and ride our first moose by age 9, if you hadn’t heard. Well, some of those might be exaggerated. Or invented. But I won’t

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100% Human: Celebrating Pride with DC Canada Every Month

100% Human: Celebrating Pride with DC Canada Every Month

DC Canada Is Always Celebrating Pride! Gay, straight, tall, blind, red-haired, overweight, Jewish, able-bodied… No matter our differences, we’re still human. So why should some have to live in fear? Why do some have their rights debated? Why are some told that they shouldn’t exist, or worse? DC Canada wants to highlight the bravery and

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The First Flock: Celebrating Indigenous People’s Wisdom and Traditions

The First Flock: Celebrating Indigenous People’s Wisdom and Traditions

From Disney’s Pocahontas (1995) to Little House on the Prairie (1935) by Laura Ingalls Wilder, Indigenous people have appeared in cinema and literature shrouded in stereotypes and romanticized to no avail. On June 21st, National Indigenous Peoples Day, let’s celebrate our country’s native inhabitants and forget any biased perspectives the media may have highlighted in

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