Monthly Archives: January 2023

Review: Violet and the Crumbs by Abigail Rayner

Review: Violet and the Crumbs by Abigail Rayner

Lactose-free, gluten-free, dairy-free, GMO-free… a decade ago, you never heard about all these different eating restrictions. But that’s when my mother was diagnosed with celiac disease—in 2010—and suddenly she couldn’t eat anything! Go to a restaurant? No chance! Nobody knew what gluten was, let alone what meals had none of it. Now, menus often have

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Review: Baby Dragon’s Big Sneeze by Sheryl Bass

Review: Baby Dragon’s Big Sneeze by Sheryl Bass

You’ve probably had a really bad cold a few times in your life. But have you sneezed and accidentally burned a village to the ground? Such is the case for a poor baby dragon. Without any dragon parents around, he falls sick—his symptoms affect not only him, but also the townspeople who are furious at

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