DC Canada Education Publishing

Get Your Kids Excited about Reading

Get Your Kids Excited about Reading

For many of us, getting a child excited about learning isn’t always easy. This customizable reading chart is a great way to make reading time more fun and engaging for you and your little reader. Below we have outlined some simple ideas to creating a fun and easy reading chart to help your child look

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Review: Lucas at the Paralympics by Igor Plohl

Review: Lucas at the Paralympics by Igor Plohl

Run faster. Jump higher. Swim farther. Cycle, surf, punch, shoot, ride, row. For millennia, humans have been training to go above and beyond their bodies’ limits. Overcoming obstacles is basically a requirement in the age-old Olympic tradition. Paralympic athletes are no stranger to overcoming obstacles—since the first Paralympics in Italy, 1960, thousands of people with

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Review: Missing You by Erica London

Review: Missing You by Erica London

As adults, we have loved and lost and learned to smile again. But for a child, a loved one’s passing is much more difficult to imagine, let alone to process. How do we approach heavy topics like mortality, sickness, and death with our little ones? What should we say to a kid who lost a

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Observing Canada Day 2021 Differently

Observing Canada Day 2021 Differently

215. 751. As more and more unmarked graves are being recovered, the true horror of Canada’s residential schools is entering the collective consciousness. Of course, Indigenous communities across Turtle Island are not surprised by these numbers—they have lived through the tragedy of these missing children for generations. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission states that between

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Making Education into a Game

Making Education into a Game

Pop quiz: What is more fun, studying vocabulary or playing a game? How about learning addition or playing a game? Memorizing historical dates or playing a game? Odds are you answered playing a game each time. Playing is an integral part of childhood development. You play games in the car to pass the time on

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Review: Zonia’s Rain Forest by Juana Martinez-Neal

Review: Zonia’s Rain Forest by Juana Martinez-Neal

Most of us, as least in North America, have never ventured into the rainforest. What animals might we find there? What plants bloom, what birds sing, and what bugs crawl through the trees? Dive into Zonia’s Rain Forest and explore the mysteries of the Peruvian Amazon through the eyes of a curious young Indigenous child.

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