Congratulations to the winners of this year’s Little Big Thinker Contest and thank you to everyone who participated! Every year we invite students from ages 5 to 11 to answer a philosophical question in any format they prefer for a chance to win books and games for the class. This year we were bombarded with
Read moreThe Olympiades Apprenti-Sage!
Here’s a fun and brainy weekend activity for families in Montreal, Quebec: the Olympiades Apprenti-Sage, which is taking place on April 8th, from 3pm until 5pm for ages 6 to 11. For ages 11 to 16, another tournament will take place from 6pm until 8pm. All ages are welcome to play from 9am until noon.
Read moreLes Olympiades Apprenti-Sage!
Voici une activité plaisante et instructif pour un samedi: les Olympiades Apprenti-Sage arrive le 8 avril de 15h à 17h pour les enfants âge 6 à 11. Pour les enfants de 11 à 16 ans, un deuxième tournois aura lieu de 18h à 20h. Tous sont invités à participer! Pour les nouveaux joueurs, il ya
Read moreLe concours Petit Grand Penseur!
Faites travailler votre matière grise, les enfants! Les écoliers de Jardin à la 6ième année, vous pouvez gagner des livres et des jeux pour votre classe lors du concours Petit Grand Penseur de cette année en répondant à une des quatre questions suivantes et en nous envoyant votre réponse avant le 15 Mai 2017 : Peux-tu imaginer ce
Read moreThe Little Big Thinker Contest!
Put your thinking caps on kiddos! Students from Kindergarten to Grade 6 can win books and games for the classroom in this year’s Little Big Thinker Contest by answering one of the following four questions and sending it to us before May 15th: Can you imagine what would happen if no one went to school? Imagine a
Read moreHere Comes Super Hammy – A First Time Reading Series
Good news for kids who are learning to read! Super Hammy and his friends are here to make it easy and fun. The new series is written and illustrated by Oksanna Crawley, a retired Reading Recovery teacher and already the author of well-known storybook, So, You Be Keon and I’ll Be Mahovlich, about a young
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