Review: Baby Dragon’s Big Sneeze by Sheryl Bass

Review: Baby Dragon’s Big Sneeze by Sheryl Bass

You’ve probably had a really bad cold a few times in your life. But have you sneezed and accidentally burned a village to the ground? Such is the case for a poor baby dragon. Without any dragon parents around, he falls sick—his symptoms affect not only him, but also the townspeople who are furious at the destruction of their homes.

But instead of fighting the mighty (sick) beast, thanks to the courage of a little girl, the villagers are convinced to help the dragon get better. Together, they do everything they can think of, from knitting giant sweaters to making the biggest pot of soup you’ll ever see. And it works!

The expression “it takes a village” comes to life in this cute story about teamwork and compassion. American indie author Sheryl Bass writes in verse to give the story a fairy tale feel. The hard work of the villagers will make readers giggle and smile at the kind, enormous solutions they find for the dragon’s cold, for example when “Town architects crafted a fireproof tissue / that Dragon could sneeze in without any issue.” Sheryl is a big believer in the importance of rhyme for young readers and always encourages social-emotional learning through her work.

Baby Dragon’s Big Sneeze is illustrated by Remesh Ram. The full-colour pages are filled with detail: vibrant scenery and diverse characters working as a team to help the bright green dragon. This book is a fun, magical example of the good you can do when collaboration, empathy, and kindness are valued in a community.

See more (including colouring pages!) on Sheryl’s website, Buy the book now on Amazon.

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