Review: Lilian and Noah’s Great Moving Adventure by Monika Ferenczy

Review: Lilian and Noah’s Great Moving Adventure by Monika Ferenczy

An American study by the MacArthur Foundation discovered that children moved an average of 2.5 times by age 13—needless to say, the experience of packing up your family home and moving your life to a new location is widespread. While some kids may embrace this change, others will find it more difficult… and therein lies the need for children’s literature.

Addressing tough topics gets a little easier when you have a good book by your side, and that’s exactly what author Monika Ferenczy must have had in mind when she wrote Lilian and Noah’s Great Moving Adventure, a brief yet fun-packed book that will get kids involved in their family’s move.

Divided into short chapters, the book follows a girl and her little brother as they explore the big moving truck, uncover lost items, rescue the cats, and set up the new house. The last pages comprise discussion, critical thinking, and financial literacy activities based on the events of the story perfect for ages 4+.

Illustrated by Angela Murat in a simplistic style with which kids will easily connect, Lilian and Noah’s Great Moving Adventure is an excellent resource to get your kids involved in this big change in their lives, showing them that moving can be exciting with the right support from loved ones.

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