🏫 Fall Sale! ⏰

$10 per book from October 15th to 31st


Description :
Une petite fille dont la mère est atteinte de sclérose en plaques découvre que certains superhéros mènent des combats invisibles. Avec l’aide de son chat et de lunettes à rayons X, elle découvre à quel point sa mère est forte et comment elle peut l’aider.
Ă‚ges : 5-9 ans
Auteure : Kalli Dakos
Illustratrice : Erin Mercer

A little girl whose mother has Multiple Sclerosis discovers that some superheroes are fighting invisible battles. With the help of her cat and some X-ray glasses, she learns just how strong her mom is and how she can help her.

Ages: 5-9
Type: Softcover
Author: Darcie Naslund
Illustrator: Dania El Khatib

Dive into the beauty of nature and discover more about the amazing animal groups of North America in this jaw-dropping find-the-hidden-picture book written by Caroline Fernandez and illustrated by Erin Mercer. Find the butterfly and other unique animals in each page to learn more about the fauna of our continent!
Ages: 4-7
Type: Softcover
Author: Kalli Dakos
Illustrator: Erin Mercer

Our Farm in the City follows a young girl's adventures at the Experimental Farm in Ottawa, Canada. The farm, also the research cetre of Agriculture Canada, located in the middle of a busy city, is the perfect place to meet animals, discover agricultural innovations, and experience nature all year long.
Ages: 6+
Type: Softcover
Author: Kalli Dakos
Illustrator: Erin Mercer

Recess in the Dark is a unique collection of poems that offers a new perspective on how students live in the Canadian North, complete with stunning illustrations of our country's natural beauty.
Ages: 6+
Type: Softcover
Author: Kalli Dakos
Illustrator: Erin Mercer

Description :
Récréation dans le noir est un recueil unique de poèmes qui offre une nouvelle perspective sur la façon dont les élèves vivent dans le Nord canadien accompagnés par des illustrations époustouflantes de la beauté naturelle de notre pays. Partagez la magie de la poésie avec la prochaine génération de jeunes auteurs et auteures.

Ă‚ge : 6+
Auteure : Kalli Dakos
Illustratrice : Erin Mercer

Learn to count from 1 to 176 in English and French alongside an exhausted shepherd and his herd of silly sheep. Readers of all ages will love this hilarious book from Iceland!

Apprenez à compter de 1 à 176 en anglais et en français avec un berger épuisé et son troupeau de moutons coquins. Les lecteurs et lectrices de tous les âges adoreront ce livre comique de l’Islande!
Ages: 4-7
Type: Softcover
Author: Huginn Þór Grétarsson
Illustrator: Vladimiro Rikowski

Want to have some fun? Count along with an exhausted shepherd tracking his herd of colourful, sassy sheep with a lot to say. It’s a surefire way to (NOT) fall asleep! The publisher takes no responsibility for naughty children who do not want to go to sleep after reading this book. If they start saying baaaa and crop grass in the garden, take them to a doctor!

Type: Softcover
Authors: Braden Harrison, Huginn Þór Grétarsson
Illustrator: Vladimiro Rikowski

Discover a silly, fun, and at times touching collection of school-themed poems for beginner readers. Using simple vocabulary and intuitive rhyme and rhythm, these poems address everything from writing tests to hiding in the bathroom!
Ages: 4-8
Type: Softcover
Author: Kalli Dakos
Illustrator: Erin Mercer