One Story A Day for Science
Where science meets storytelling, you'll find One Story a Day for Science, a collection of 365 stories each focused on a different scientific concept ranging from the wonders of nature to diseases, historical figures to tech advances, endangered animals to human DNA. Complete with thought-provoking questions and activities, this illustrated series is bound to inspire young readers to develop a keen interest in science while also practicing reading and comprehension abilities!
Authors: Kara Cybanski, Violet Hughes, Margaret Hoogeveen, Jennifer Burrows, Leonard Judge
Illustrator: Erin Mercer, Graham Ross, Meredith Luce
Ages: 6 and up
Dimensions: 8" x 10"

Vi Hughes
Vi Hughes (Master of Education, Bachelor of Arts) is an educator and writer. She has been a teacher, school principal, and sessional instructor in university Teacher Education programs, focussing on the philosophy and teaching of reading to elementary age children. Vi has written several books for young children. She has a special interest in early literacy advocacy, encouraging communities to place reading opportunities for pre-schoolers into their public spaces, such as parks and playgrounds.

Kara Cybanski
Kara Cybanski has an Honours Bachelor of Spanish with a Minor in Rédaction professionnelle et édition and a Master's in World Literatures and Cultures from the University of Ottawa. She is a doctoral candidate in Spanish at uOttawa and intends to teach at the university level after graduation.

Leonard Judge
Leonard is a teacher, writer, and editor with more than 25 years in the publishing industry. His work has appeared in numerous national and international magazines and newspapers. He taught in northern Canada for a number of years and was Supervisor for Curriculum Development for a Native school board in northern Quebec for four years. He has a B.A. and a B.Ed. from Queen’s University and is a longtime member of the Professional Writers Association of Canada.

Scott Paterson
Scott has an education background in television broadcasting. His talent in music and creative writing made him a long-time associate of DC Canada Education Publishing. Scott continues to contribute content to the One Story A Day series, the Learning English textbook project, and the educational music collections.

Jennifer Burrows
Jennifer Burrows is a American children’s book author and editor. She’s written & published 20+ picture books, 100+ preschool stories, and 40+ chapter books. She is a former elementary teacher with a master’s degree in education. Jennifer has worked as a writer and editor for JSB Writing, LLC since 1995 and is a member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators.

Margaret Hoogeveen
For more than three decades, Margaret Hoogeveen has helped create classroom resources for students (K to 12) and professional development resources for teachers. She has authored or edited countless publications in the areas of language arts, science, mathematics, social studies, geography, and history, as well as multiple online resources. She has two degrees, one for English Literature from the University of Toronto and one for Education from Ontario Tech University. Besides loving her work, Margaret enjoys reading, dancing, sailing, gardening, and solving puzzles.