Principal Presence Handbook: Win-Win


This handbook will provide you with many valuable practical tips, thereby enhancing your leadership practices. Bruce’s unique K-8 student survey on principal PRESENCE yields key information as to how PRESENT a principal really is.

Author: Bruce Foster
Illustrators: Jessica Fleury and Joshua Stewart
31 pages
6″ x 8.75″
ISBN: 978-1-9992496-7-0

Category: Product ID: 12827

About Bruce Foster

Bruce R. Foster has been privileged to have spent over 80% of his 44-year educational career in a leadership role as elementary school principal or vice-principal. He is a strong proponent that being PRESENT as a principal makes a huge difference in a school’s effectiveness.

He has conducted approximately 200 teacher performance appraisals and is fully aware of what constitutes exemplary instructional practices.