

Get kids moving while they learn with our music collections, perfect for all ages to enjoy! With a variety of relatable topics, fun melodies, and educational concepts, these tunes are ideal for both the classroom and the home.

Performed by musicians and artists from Ottawa: Scott Paterson, Adam Kavanagh, Tzeitel Abregom Torian Poulin, Rachel Ferguson Ana Miura, Haijiao Yan, Nisha Parekh.

  • New School Songs Book Vol 1

    $16.95 Add to cart

Sample audio

1: Let's Line Up
2: Do You Know Your ABC?
3: Family Song
4: Are You Hungry?
5: A Great Big Smile
6: Rain, Rain, Stay Away
7: On The Way to Market

8: Can You Guess
9: The Clothes We Wear
10: My Name
11: Days of the Week
12: Let's Eat
13: To Your Health
14: Days of the Week
15: Family Time

  • New School Songs Book Vol 2

    $16.95 Add to cart

Sample audio

1. Sing Your Way Home
2. Good Food, Good Health
3. Listen to the Rain
4. May I Take Your Picture?
5. Who Is Your Hero?
6. My Country
7. Winter Fun
8. Dishwashing Song

9. My Talent
10. Choices
11. Play Safe
12. Favourite Subjects
13. Back from A Trip
14. Manners
15. Gift

  • New School Songs Book Vol 3

    $16.95 Add to cart

Sample audio

Songs List

1. Let's Go to the Zoo
2. Body and Feeling
3. How Do You Want to Go?
4. Packing for a Trip
5. Usually, Sometimes
6. Look, Look, Look!
7. Kite Flying High .
8. Let's Send a Letter

9. Family Tree
10. Month by Month
11. Where Is the Library?
12. Sports Are Fun
13. Out on the Beach
14. What Do You Do?
15. Home

  • New School Songs Book Vol 4

    $16.95 Add to cart

Sample audio

1. Sing Your Way Home
2. Action Words
3. Is It Heavy? Is It Light?
4. Favourite Subjects
5. Let's Go for a Skate
6. Do You Know the Seasons?
7. What Is the Weather Today?

8. I Live in
9. Nouns Are Names
10. Can You Come out and Play?
11. Yesterday, Tody, Tomorrow
12. Goodbye at the Train Station
13. Fun With Hobbies
14. Santa Claus
15. My Talent

  • New School Songs Book Vol 5

    $16.95 Add to cart

Sample audio

1. English Opens Many Doors
2. Move Your Feet
3. Punctuation
4. Spring Is Coming
5. Our Neighbourhood
6.Shapes in Math
7. The Hungry Song

8. My Country
9. Giving a Helping Hand
10. Back From a Trip
11. Home, Sweet Home!
12. May I Take Your Picture?
13.Comparison Song
14. Gifts
15. E-mail Keeps Us Connected

  • New School Songs Book Vol 6

    $16.95 Add to cart

Sample audio

1. Winter Fun..
2. What Is Science?
3. Dishwashing Song
4. The Three Rs of Garbage
5. The Games Have Begun .
6. Who Is Your Hero?
7. Good Food, Good Health

8. Positive Attitude
9. Adiectives
10. Stay Safe
11. Manners
12. Prefix Building
13. One Country, Many Cultures
14. Don't Fight
15. What Job Do You Want?

  • Favourite Chinese Songs Volume 1

    $12.95 Add to cart

Sample audio: Song 3 - Dandelion

1. Let's Swing Our Oars
2. The Penny
3. Dandelion
4. De Lee Lee
5. Counting the Ducks
6. The Good Little Crow
7. Wah Ha Ha
8. Bright Stars

9. Song and Smile
10. Dandelion
11. Let's Swing Our Oars
12. Countryside Road
13. Peng Hu Bay
14. Jasmine Flowers
15. In That Far Away Place

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