Super Hammy - My First Reading Series
Super Hammy - My First Reading Series is a collection of 15 books about a mighty little hero who goes on big adventures with his friend Little Mouse. The simple and funny stories are told in small sentence - just right for Pre-K, K, and Grade 1. The Fountas and Pinnell levelled books can be used for individual reading, guided reading and early literacy intervention programs.
Super Hammy ABC
Super Hammy ABC is an alphabet book with a twist! Join Super Hammy and his friend, Little Mouse, to learn not only letter names but also the sounds that the letters make.
Adorable and funny characters
Well-controlled vocabulary and sentence structure
Simple stories that can be related to children's everyday life
Audio read by professional voice actors
16 books / audio
Lesson plans and tips for parents
Ages: 5 - 7
Language: English | French
Officially levelled by fountas & pinell

Oksanna Crawley
Oksanna Crawley is a retired kindergarten and Reading Recovery™ teacher with 25 years teaching experience in Canadian schools. In addition to the Super Hammy reading series, she has written and illustrated a children’s hockey story, “So, You Be Keon and I’ll Be Mahovlich”, about Toronto Maple Leafs legend, Bill Barilko.
Prior to beginning a career in education, she worked as a radio journalist and newscaster. She is a graduate of the University of Toronto. She is passionate about helping children learn to read.




Gail Lennon is a writer and reviewer with more than 35 years of teaching experience at all levels who lives in West Perth, Ont.
It’s little wonder that Oksanna Crawley has such an intimate understanding of the early reading process. A retired kindergarten teacher who worked extensively with children in Reading Recovery, Crawley’s skills as a former radio journalist and her passion for making reading an enjoyable task for young children are evident in the delightful series featuring Super Hammy and his superpowers. Super Hammy is an attractive package for beginning readers containing 15 small books and an accompanying CD. The star of all the books is an adorable hamster who possesses superpowers. Each book has a single sentence on the left and an illustration of that sentence on the right. Repetition reinforces word recognition and builds up reading vocabulary and confidence. Throughout the 15 books and three reading levels, other characters like Snowman, Cheese and Little Mouse make appearances. The series promises to make reading fun and simple. It would make an excellent addition to classroom libraries and could be used individually or as a set. Preschoolers would also enjoy these books in their personal libraries where they would be a good addition to shared reading materials.